To date i have built 16 boats Designed by John Welsford
3 whaler’s 3 Navigators 2 pathfinders 2 Danuals boats 3 tender behinds 2 Johanser’s a fish hook

the planks.

Fitting seat tops and seat supports to hull ready to fix tops down engine well is almost finished just have to cove and tape all corners and edges of cut out she is going to be left in the water over summer so every thing has to be well sealed.
Excellent boat
John Pat will have lots of fun in her.
All painted up on her trailer and ready to sail a two pot paint system was used and decks oil on wood work.
On our first sail we discovered a few little teething problems with the center plate and the rig.
To start of with we had lots of lee helm we looked at raking the rig but this made no difference – so we went back to the drawings to double check our measurements and position of mast all checked out.
I then checked the position of the plate when it was down and found the lifting arm was to short I had to add 200mm to its length this helped a lot but not enough. I Emailed John and asked him to check the position of the rig and he discovered the rig was to far forward I moved it back to the aft edge of the seat what a difference she is now a very well balanced boat and a pleaser to sail . Hull speed 5 – 5.5 Knots we were getting 6-6.5 Knots on a reach in 10 – 15 Knots of wind I took her out in 15-25 Knots with full sail we had a ball at one point we had the 60kg center plate vibrating and lifting. foam and spray flying every were as we shot down the face of a wave in total control we discovered in those conditions and surfing you need a plug in the engine well as the water surges up onto the seats and you get a wet bum even in those conditions she was a very dry boat and easy to handle I would not hesitate to take her across the straits to the sounds.